The main objective of the quality, environmental, and occupational health and safety policy of MemBrain s.r.o. is to satisfy the requirements, needs and expectations of our customers; to minimize the impact of our activities on the environment; to comply with legislative and other regulations; to comply with the technical and quality parameters for the goods, services and technology that we deliver; to continuously expand and improve the portfolio of products and services we offer; to maintain competitive prices; to ensure the maximum flexibility of the deliveries of our products, services and technology; and to continue to implement improvements in general. We aim to achieve this objective particularly in the following areas:
- innovation and engineering services for contract research
- innovative laboratory technology and products with high added value
- research, development and consultancy for membrane processes
- filling the gap that exists between the academic environment and the requirements of industrial clients within the industrial education framework
The company’s management is fully aware of its responsibility as regards environmental protection and protecting the occupational health and safety of our employees and other involved parties.
1. In order to maintain and improve our market position, the company’s management has declared the following strategic goals
- to increase the scope of our company’s activities and to expand to other countries with the aim of enlarging our customer portfolio;
- to create an adequately high-quality environment at a leading-edge technical and material level that will allow our company to realize its activities;
- to focus research activities on extremely high-quality products and innovative technologies with a high added value, which support and respect the principles of environmental protection to the maximum degree possible and contribute towards improving the quality of human life and society in general;
- to attain a position amongst the world’s industrial leaders in the field and to maintain this position over the long-term;
- to create our own marketing innovation strategy and contribute towards developing and popularising our field;
- to employ highly qualified experts and to provide them with support and an environment that will facilitate their further professional growth;
- to continuously and permanently increase the company’s value and prestige, which is the responsibility of not only the company’s owners and management but also of all of its employees;
- to rationalize and perfect our quality, environmental, and occupational health and safety management system and our economic management system, thus ensuring sufficient human and financial resources for the further development of our company, allowing us to maintain our prices at competitive levels, and making it possible to obtain the accreditation and certification required for those activities that are in demand on the market;
- to optimize our product portfolio;
- to accept only such orders for which we are able to ensure the highest quality;
- to improve our human resource activities,
- to use the results from customer satisfaction surveys in order to improve our customer service and thus improve our company’s image;
- to continuously improve our care for the environment, occupational health and safety, and the working environment with a special focus on prevention;
- to continuously monitor the applicable legislation and to ensure full compliance with this legislation at all of our workplaces;
- to ensure the prudent use of natural resources, particularly raw materials, energy sources and water, in order to reduce waste and emissions;
- to cooperate with the relevant state authorities and special interest groups in a way that ensures compliance with legislative and other regulations, national and regional environmental policy, and occupational health and safety requirements;
- to update the company’s policy on an annual basis to include measurable targets;
- to create conditions allowing all of the company’s employees to attain their objectives.
2. In order to support this quality policy, the company management commits itself to the following
2.1 In general
- to comply with the legislative and other requirements applicable to the activities in which our company is engaged;
- to ensure the continuous improvement of the company functioning and efficiency with respect to quality, environmental protection, and occupational health and safety;
- to make use of our employees’ experience in order to achieve the company’s goals in accordance with the requirements for quality as well as with maximum regard for the environment and occupational health and safety;
- to minimize the volume of waste and emissions as well as the number of work injuries and occupational diseases within the bounds of the company’s technical and economic capabilities;
- to prevent the wastage of raw materials and energy through the stricter control of input materials and technological procedures;
- to improve the awareness of the company’s employees as well as of the employees of external companies as regards environmental protection and occupational health and safety through regular and effective training;
- to apply the principle of continuous improvement to the QMS, EMS, and the occupational health and safety management system
- to improve emergency preparedness through providing regular training for the employees and practical drills;
- to promote the implementation of QMS, EMS and occupational health and safety management systems in the plants operated by the company’s suppliers;
- to ensure that all of the company’s activities are carried out with attention paid to the adequate protection of the health and safety of the company’s employees;
- to plan and provide for the necessary human and financial resources required for the proper functioning of the integrated system.
- to ensure customer satisfaction by providing products and services that are of a quality level that exceeds the customer’s expectations;
- to keep our customers informed about newly implemented and developing technologies;
- to continuously improve the quality of our services on the basis of customer requests and recommendations.
- to comply with the legislative requirements applicable to environmental protection with special emphasis placed on prevention;
- to define objectives for improving the company’s environmental profile and to continuously improve this environmental profile in a planned manner within the scope of developing the company’s economic activities;
- to keep the employees and the general public informed regarding the impact of the company’s activities on the environment and to maintain meaningful communication with them with regard to this topic;
- to regularly review the environmental policy, the defined objectives and the target values.
- to comply with the legislative requirements and administrative decisions applicable to occupational health and safety with a special emphasis placed on prevention;
2.2 With regard to quality
- to ensure customer satisfaction by providing products and services that are of a quality level that exceeds the customer’s expectations;
- to keep our customers informed about newly implemented and developing technologies;
- to continuously improve the quality of our services on the basis of customer requests and recommendations.
2.3 With regard to the environment
- to comply with the legislative requirements applicable to environmental protection with special emphasis placed on prevention;
- to define objectives for improving the company’s environmental profile and to continuously improve this environmental profile in a planned manner within the scope of developing the company’s economic activities;
- to keep the employees and the general public informed regarding the impact of the company’s activities on the environment and to maintain meaningful communication with them with regard to this topic;
2.4 With regard to occupational health and safety
- to comply with the legislative requirements and administrative decisions applicable to occupational health and safety with a special emphasis placed on prevention;
- to promote the implementation of occupational health and safety management systems in the companies with whom we do business;
- to keep the list of hazards and risks up-to-date and to implement measures to eliminate them or to at least mitigate their effects;
- to strictly comply with safety regulations and standards in order to minimise the occurrence of work injuries and occupational diseases;
- to implement measures that will prevent work injuries and occupational diseases;
- to provide employee training and practical drills on a regular basis and, at the same time, increase the level of emergency preparedness;
- to regularly review the policy and goals included in the occupational health and safety management system;
- to make the policy accessible to all employees as well as to all persons working under the company’s control.
3. The company expects the following from its employees
- full compliance with the principles of corporate culture and ethics that have been adopted by the company;
- thorough and strict adherence to the procedures and principles set out in the documentation for the quality, environmental, and occupational health and safety system;
- a high level of responsibility with regard to quality, environmental protection and the prevention of work injuries;
- self-monitoring and checking the results of their activities;
- avoiding mistakes;
- looking for opportunities to improve their own work as well as the work of the company’s other departments.
Stráž pod Ralskem , 1st September 2014
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