MemBrain s.r.o.

Media contact information

Světlana Adamová,,
+420 724 166 445

The company MemBrain s.r.o. is seated in Stráž pod Ralskem in the Liberec Region, where it has its administrative and engineering base, as well as operational, technical and production background.

MemBrain s.r.o.
Pod Vinicí 87, 471 27 Stráž pod Ralskem
IČ: 28676092
DIČ: CZ699005394
+420 487 805 201
Corporate agents: Jiří Truhlář, Zbyněk Petráš

How can you find us?

Stráž pod Ralskem na mapě ČR

Route from Prague
Distance: 110km, total time: 1:32 hrs.
Follow the expressway R10, after Mladá Boleslav take the exit to Mnichovo Hradiště and continue in the direction to Mimoň and Stráž pod Ralskem.
Route from Liberec
Distance: 37km, total time: 37 min.
Follow the road E442 in the direction to Nový Bor, turn to the road No. 270 in Jablonné v Podještědí and continue in the direction to Stráž pod Ralskem.

MemBrain team

Where to go?