Page 21 - MemBrain
P. 21

Laboratories and engineering

The heart of each research centre dealing with research in the field of natural science
is in its laboratories. The infrastructure of laboratories covers the entire chain
of membrane issues from the membrane to technological applications. Labora-
tories are equipped with top-level instruments and unique technologies,
as required by the basic research directions of the Centre.

The analytical laboratory is focused on the qualitative and quantitative analysis
of samples of polymeric materials and liquid gas media. The composition
of samples can be determined on elemental and molecular bases. Instruments
in the laboratory allow determining concentration in a wide range from tens
of percent up to trace quantities.

The laboratory of material and membrane characterization investigates the properties
of materials for the development of membranes. Using their prototypes, it establishes
their mechanical and chemical parameters and suitability for further use.

The laboratory of electromembrane processes verifies on laboratory scale
and characterizes the functionality of developed membranes
and separation processes.

Thanks to its special instruments, the gas membrane separation laboratory allows
research and preparation of membranes in the form of hollow fibres and description
of their properties and separation procedures.

The technological laboratory consists of a testing room for the research and pilot
or industrial-scale characterization of membrane modules for electrodialysis, electro-
deionization and pressure processes. The laboratory also investigates the electro-
phoresis process including the analysis of the output quality. One unique part
of the technological laboratory is its special semi-operational technological line
for the research of the process of the production of membranes and highly filled
polymeric composites in the form of membrane foils, tubes and special shapes.

The mobile laboratory consists of a group of pilot membrane units for all known
types of membrane processes. These devices are used for pilot studies and to verify
processes and integrated technological units directly at operational systems
of our partners.

Engineering supplements the research activities with case studies, feasibility studies
and technology audits. This is followed by the basic engineering proposals, including
PFD diagram, PID diagram and calculation of investment and operating costs.
The last step is prototype and pilot studies of products and technologies.
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